
The Institute conducts a weekly seminar series that is open not only to the Institute’s own scientists but also to scientists and clinicians from other San Diego medical institutions. The series provides a forum for discussions among scientists about specific areas of importance to the study of the immune system.

In addition, the institute co-organizes the Immunology Program Distinguished Speaker seminar series, which is part of the LJI/UCSD Immunology Program, which invites a small number of eminent immunologists each year to give a lecture and visit both institutions.

Both series are free to attend and are advertised to scientists in the San Diego area including those at Salk Institute, The Scripps Research Institute, Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute, UCSD, San Diego State University, Craig Venter Institute, and San Diego-based biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies.

Upcoming Seminars

26 Feb, 2025
12:00 pm

Previously Recorded Seminars