Lab Ley
P-selection glycoprotein ligand-1 in T cells
ATVB distinguished scientist award: how costimulatory and coinhibitory pathways shape atherosclerosis
Defects in DNA replication hit NK cells and neutrophils
Atheroprotective vaccination with MHC-II-restricted ApoB peptides induces peritoneal IL-10-producing CD4 T cells
Natural variation of macrophage activation as disease-relevant phenotype predictive of inflammation and cancer survival
Endothelial protective monocyte patrolling in large arteries intensified by western diet and atherosclerosis
IL-27R signaling controls myeloid cells accumulation and antigen-presentation in atherosclerosis
Scavenger receptor CD36 directs nonclassical monocyte patrolling along the endothelium during early atherogenesis
Developing neutrophils must eat…themselves!
M1 means kill; M2 means heal
Structure-function characterization of three human antibodies targeting the vaccinia virus adhesion molecule D8
Natural killer cells at ease: atherosclerosis is not affected by genetic depletion or hyperactivation of natural killer cells
Rolling neutrophils form tethers and slings under physiologic conditions in vivo
Effector and regulatory T cells roll at high shear stress by inducible tether and sling formation
Patrolling mechanics of non-classical monocytes in vascular inflammation
Inflammatory pathways regulated by tumor-necrosis receptor associated factor 1 protect from metabolic consequences in diet-induced obesity
A ligand-specific blockage of the intgrin Mac-1 selectivitely targets pathologic inflammation while maintaining protective host-defense
Transmission of integrin β7 transmembrane domain topology enables gut lymphoid tissue development
Regulatory CD4+ T cells recognize MHC-II-restricted peptide epitopes of apolipoprotein B
Single-cell RNA-seq reveals the transcriptional landscape and heterogeneity of aortic macrophages in murine atherosclerosis
Atlas of the immune cell repertoire in mouse atherosclerosis defined by single-cell RNA-sequencing and mass cytometry
Atherosclerosis in the single-cell era
Deconvolution of pro- and antiviral genomic responses in Zika virus-infected and bystander macrophages
Regulatory CD4(+) T cells recognize MHC-II-restricted peptide epitopes of apolipoprotein B
A clinically applicable adjuvant for an atherosclerosis vaccine in mice
High-affinity bent beta2-integrin molecules in arresting neutrophils face each other through binding to ICAMs in cis
A single-step chemoenzymatic reaction for the construction of antibody-cell conjugates
Neutrophils: New insights and open questions
CX3CL1-Fc treatment prevents atherosclerosis in Ldlr KO mice
Immunity and inflammation in atherosclerosis
Loss of CXCR4 on non-classical monocytes in participants of the women’s interagency HIV study (WIHS) with subclinical atherosclerosis
Vaccination against atherosclerosis
Myeloid-specific deletion of epsins 1 and 2 reduces atherosclerosis by preventing LRP-1 downregulation
Platelet serotonin aggravates myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury via neutrophil degranulation
Rap1 binding and a lipid-dependent helix in talin F1 domain promote integrin activation in tandem
The trafficking protein JFC1 regulates Rac1-GTP localization at the uropod controlling neutrophil chemotaxis and in vivo migration
Macrophage polarization: different gene signatures in M1(LPS+) vs. classically and M2(LPS-) vs. alternatively activated macrophages
Neutrophil recruitment: from model systems to tissue-specific patterns
Altered gut microbiota and host metabolite profiles in hiv-infected women
Migratory and dancing macrophage subsets in atherosclerotic lesions
Opportunities for an atherosclerosis vaccine: From mice to humans
Leaking chemokines confuse neutrophils
T cell subsets and functions in atherosclerosis
Imaging of the immune system – towards a subcellular and molecular understanding
CITE-Seq Hits Vascular Medicine
Pathogenic Autoimmunity in Atherosclerosis Evolves From Initially Protective Apolipoprotein B 100-Reactive CD4 + T-Regulatory Cells
Meta-Analysis of Leukocyte Diversity in Atherosclerotic Mouse Aortas
Role of the adaptive immune system in atherosclerosis
Epsin-mediated degradation of IP3R1 fuels atherosclerosis
Kindlin-3 recruitment to the plasma membrane precedes high affinity beta2 integrin and neutrophil arrest from rolling.
Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition).
Pathogenic Autoimmunity in Atherosclerosis Evolves From Initially Protective Apolipoprotein B100-Reactive CD4(+) T-Regulatory Cells
Predicting gene expression from computed tomography angiography.
Classical monocyte transcriptomes reveal significant anti-inflammatory statin effect in women with chronic HIV.
A CD22-Shp1 phosphatase axis controls integrin beta7 display and B cell function in mucosal immunity.
Elongated neutrophil-derived structures are blood-borne microparticles formed by rolling neutrophils during sepsis.
Inflammation and atherosclerosis.
Normalization of cholesterol metabolism in spinal microglia alleviates neuropathic pain.
CD45 pre-exclusion from the tips of T cell microvilli prior to antigen recognition.
Biomechanics of neutrophil tethers.
Data-driven kidney transplant phenotyping as a histology-independent framework for biomarker discovery.
Fortified tregs to fight atherosclerosis.
Endothelial heparan sulfate mediates hepatic neutrophil trafficking and injury during staphylococcus aureus sepsis.
Partial inhibition of the 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase-3 (PFKFB3) enzyme in myeloid cells does not affect atherosclerosis.
Heterogeneity of immune cells in human atherosclerosis revealed by scRNA-Seq.
Myeloid cell-specific Irf5 deficiency stabilizes atherosclerotic plaques in Apoe(-/-) mice.
Thymus-derived CD4+CD8+ cells reside in mediastinal adipose tissue and the aortic arch.
Flow cytometry and mass cytometry for measuring the immune cell infiltrate in atherosclerotic arteries.
Single-Cell antibody sequencing in atherosclerosis research.
Autoimmune regulator (AIRE) deficiency does not affect atherosclerosis and CD4 T Cell immune tolerance to Apolipoprotein B.
Chemokine receptor activation enhances memory B Cell class switching linked to IgE sensitization to alpha Gal and cardiovascular disease.
Olfactory receptor 2 in vascular macrophages drives atherosclerosis by NLRP3-dependent IL-1 production.
Neutrophil ion currents matter.
Molecular mechanisms of leukocyte beta2 integrin activation.
The expanding family of neutrophil-derived extracellular vesicles.
A humanized beta2 integrin knockin mouse reveals localized intra- and extravascular neutrophil integrin activation in vivo.
De-stressing plaques attenuates atherosclerosis progression.
Immunodominant mhc-ii (major histocompatibility complex ii) restricted epitopes in human apolipoprotein b.
Integrated single-cell analysis based classification of vascular mononuclear phagocytes in mouse and human atherosclerosis.
Combined protein and transcript single-cell rna sequencing in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells.
Frontline Science: A flexible kink in the transmembrane domain impairs beta2 integrin extension and cell arrest from rolling
How the immune system shapes atherosclerosis: Roles of innate and adaptive immunity.
Circulating T cell-monocyte complexes are markers of immune perturbations
Can your macrophages ‘smell’ infections?

With new funding, LJI and UC San Diego researchers will investigate how olfactory receptors in immune cells called macrophages respond to pathogens
Haywire T cells attack protein in “bad” cholesterol

LJI research reveals how aggressive T cells can make heart disease even worse
Partial bone marrow transplant ‘rescues’ mice with cystic fibrosis

New bone marrow gives sick mice healthy monocytes
Macrophages in the artery wall ‘smell’ their surroundings

Immune cells can sniff out octanal in blood, triggering dangerous inflammation and atherosclerosis
Six LJI scientists named “Highly Cited Researchers”

The international recognition reflects how LJI research is valued by scientific peers
Lynn Hedrick and Klaus Ley named “World Experts” in monocyte research

Immune cells called monocytes offer clues to treating cancers, heart disease and more
The Conrad Prebys Foundation grants more than $450,000 for studies into childhood cancer, cardiovascular disease

New funding will support high-risk, high-reward projects led by two early-career scientists
Researchers discover new particle in the blood of septic patients

LJI scientists get first glimpse of how mysterious particles break off of immune cells
Klaus Ley receives $2.3 Million to study fundamentals of immune cell activation

New research could shed light on how immune cells can better fight cancers or step back in autoimmune disease
T cells can shift from helping to harming in atherosclerosis

LJI study brings scientists closer to designing a safe anti-atherosclerosis vaccine
Inflammation in Atherosclerosis
Neutrophil Adhesion and Activation
Atherosclerosis Vaccine
iMAP of human atherosclerosis shortlisted for £30m research prize
The proposed iMAP will reveal new targets for immunotherapy, and may lead to a new wave of medicines and vaccines that can prevent heart attacks and strokes; La Jolla Institute for Immunology researcher Klaus Ley and Scripps researcher Eric Topol are key members of the iMAP team.