Lab Peters

Data Standards

HIPC Data Standards: A collaboration with various centers of the Human Immune Profiling Consortium (HIPC) to build upon the existing infrastructure of ImmPort, a publicly-available data repository, which includes standardization of defined data elements such as immune exposures, including vaccinations,…


COVIC-DB: To co-run the LJI-led CoVIC database in the effort to find ideal therapeutic combinations for the novel coronavirus, the assays that best predict efficacy, and the features that provide protection. Coronavirus Immunotherapy Consortium (CoVIC) CoVIC Database Supported by the…


Immunotherapies for head and neck cancer: To develop new cancer therapies by studying how the immune system, by way of neo-antigens, can recognize and eliminate tumor cells by targeting molecules only found on the surface of the tumor cells. The…


Investigation of human immune signatures of latent MTB infection, active disease and BCG vaccination. (NIH/NIAID, U19 AI118626) Proteome-wide characterization of T cell epitopes from Mycobacterium tuberculosis in vaccination and active infection. (NIH/NIAID, 75N93019C00067) Goal: To define MTB-derived T cell epitopes…

Whooping Cough

Research to identify mechanisms and correlates of long-lasting vaccine-induced immunity to whooping cough. The lab aims to define transcriptional responses to vaccine boost from donors originally primed with aP vs. wP and identify cell types associated with differential responses, as…

Allergic Diseases

Pediatric Milk Allergy: To study the frequency and phenotype of milk allergen-specific T cells in cohorts with different disease manifestations and define molecular markers of disease status and progression to tolerance. This research will contribute to developing improved and new…

Human Immune Profiling Consortium

The aim of this work, in collaboration with Bjoern Peters, Ph.D., and Pandurangan Vijayanand, M.D., Ph.D., is to characterize the immune response to dengue virus (DENV) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB), both of which represent major global health challenges. Specifically, the…