Lab Rao
Wade Zhang

Xiang Li

Yongil Cho
Zhen Dong

Rachel Helms

Roberta Nowak

Shruti Sunder Rajkumar
Osamu Ikeda
Lot Hernandez Espinosa
Megha Puskur
Leo Josue Arteaga Vazquez
Jeffrey King
Kazumasa Suzuki

Kristy Perez

Isaac Lopez Moyado

Christopher Huerta
Emi Sanchez

Eric Johnson

Erik Ehinger

Anjana Rao

Bruno VillalobosReveles
Caitlin Brown

Postdoctoral Fellow Rachel Helms, Ph.D., awarded 2024 CRI Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship

LJI scientist aims to answer fundamental questions about the development and maintenance of immune cells to prevent cancer