Lab Sette
Mariah Macias
April Frazier
Nina Blazeska
Tanner Michaelis
Randi Vita
Ricardo Da Silva Antunes
Sara Coleman
Sidne Fitzpatrick
Min Han Lew
Priscila Morales
Leora Zalman
Matthew Busse
Jessica Nevarez-Mejia
John Johansson
John Sidney
Kenneth Chan
Gabriele Foos
Deborah Shackelford
Erin Moore
Alessandro Sette
Alison Tarke
Amin Shaik
Brian Reardon
Caitlin Sedwick
Aaron Sutherland
Adam Abawi
T cells may offer some protection in an H5N1 ‘spillover’ scenario
New LJI research suggests many people already have T cells with the power to fight "highly pathogenic" avian influenza
San Diego scientists available to discuss mutated mpox strain
Scientists at La Jolla Institute for Immunology (LJI) lead new mpox vaccine research
LJI scientists lead new mpox research
San Diego scientists investigate how immune cells combat rapidly spreading mpox strain