LJI scientists find protective T cells in children who experience two or more dengue virus infections

The Weiskopf lab studies how the body battles emerging viruses to prepare for pandemic threats

LJI trainee and 2024 SPARK Award winner to share her infectious disease research on a national stage

A record number of LJI researchers have been named to the 2022 list, including two early career scientists

New investigation reveals the strength of T cell, B cell, and antibody responses over time

Even elderly survivors show a strong, persistent immune memory

Weiskopf reflects on nearly two years of non-stop COVID-19 research—and a recent honor from her native Austria

Immune system memory stays strong 6+ months post-vaccination, similar to responses in recovered COVID-19 patients

New LJI review shows how T cells target more than 1,400 sites on SARS-CoV-2

Why declining antibodies don't spell disaster for long-lasting immunity

New funding from the National Cancer Institute will let scientists get “whole picture” of the immune response

Researchers caution: It is too soon to say whether pre-existing immune cell memory affects COVID-19 clinical outcomes
International collaboration provides important piece of COVID-19 puzzle

To aid vaccine design, researchers will investigate how a diverse population fights off viral attack