New research suggests that some of us may be partially protected due to past encounters with common cold coronaviruses
Worries over waning antibodies may be overblown, as growing evidence shows a role for T cells in the coronavirus immune response.
The following is a brief roundup of some of the latest scientific studies on the novel coronavirus and efforts to find treatments and vaccines for COVID-19, the illness caused by the virus.
Some people who’ve never been exposed to the novel coronavirus may have protection against it, but that is far from certain
Which is too bad because we really need to understand how the immune system reacts to the coronavirus.
Researchers caution: It is too soon to say whether pre-existing immune cell memory affects COVID-19 clinical outcomes
We’re now more than seven months into the coronavirus pandemic that has upended the lives of most of Earth’s inhabitants.
Recovery from the virus seems to stimulate protective immunity, but there’s not enough data to determine how long that protection lasts.
The decline seen in some studies is normal, experts say. But scientists must wait to see whether infection confers long-term protection
LJI seeks to connect with cryptocurrency holders to accelerate COVID-19 research