- Research News
LJI scientists harness bioinformatics to predict how T cells may adapt to fighting the highly mutated Pirola variant
- Research News
Researchers map the genome to figure out how a protein called IKAROS controls healthy B cell development
- Behind the Science
Local student Maya Krishnan hopes to improve biosafety for healthcare workers. LJI's Laurence Cagnon shares her expertise and mentorship.
- Research News
LJI researchers investigate a group of T cells known for their unusual response to pathogens
- Institute News
LJI President and CEO celebrated among California’s leading life sciences innovators
- Behind the Science
With new funding, LJI scientists will help lay the groundwork for faster vaccine and therapeutic development
- Institute News
Fleet's Sharp Minds lecture series to feature immune system experts
- Immune Matters
“Barbara and I are not going to be here forever, so I wanted to get our kids involved"
- Immune Matters
Cow’s milk allergy is surprisingly common. Diagnosing it is surprisingly tough. An LJI scientist sets out to help allergic kids and their families find answers.
A letter from LJI Professor, President, and CEO Erica Ollmann Saphire, Ph.D., MBA
“Our project was recognized as having real potential, and our team has received support from people who really care.”