How Ian Mathews used Tullie and Rickey Families SPARK Awards funding to make cancer therapy advances and launch a career in medicine
San Diego artist Patricia Pauchnick on how she assembled her illustration for the Immune Matters magazine article "How Pandemics End"
Testing for breast and ovarian cancers has come a long way—but at-risk patients still fall through the cracks. LJI scientist Anup Kumar Singh has won funding to learn more about cancer-causing mutations.
"Clinical staff and non-medical volunteers are happy to be helping out"
LJI releases new COVID-19 vaccine guide
"To prevent and treat the disease, it is vital to understand how the immune cells attack the body's own insulin-producing beta cells"
San Diego high school student Jeffrey Wang spearheads LJI research project, receiving national recognition as Regeneron Science Talent Search finalist
5 takeaways from February's "Live from the Lab" webinar