LJI's Flow Cytometry Core brings cutting-edge technology to immune system researchers
New Michael Croft Fellowship in Immunology Fund to provide vital support for early career scientists
Finally beating asthma might hinge on blocking HRF and IgE interactions
New study reveals how the inflammatory "LIGHT" protein leads to airway remodeling and long-term breathing issues
Herrera de la Mata aims to understand how asthma turns deadly
LJI scientists discover new drug target for severe asthma, fibrosis
New fellowship will support data science and immunology cross-training in two pioneering LJI labs
LJI study suggests future asthma therapies need to target two key immune molecules
LJI scientists track down a protein that may add to lung damage in asthma and related diseases
Study opens up new path to research to fighting allergic diseases
Seqster research portal empowers study participants to instantly collect & share medical records and genomic data with researchers