Sep 1, 2012
- Mucosal Immunology
Got IELs?
Cheroutre H, Huang Y
Aug 1, 2012
- Nature
HVEM signalling at mucosal barriers provides host defence against pathogenic bacteria
Shui JW, Larange A, Kim G, Vela JL, Zahner S, Cheroutre H, Kronenberg M
May 1, 2012
- Diabetes
Following the fate of one insulin-reactive CD4 T cell: conversion into teffs and tregs in the periphery controls deiabetes in NOD mice
Fousteri G, Jasinski J, Dave A, Nakayama M, Pagni P, Lambolez F, Juntti T, Sarikonda G, Cheng Y, Croft M, Cheroutre H, Eisenbarth G, von Herrath M
Dec 1, 2011
- Science Signaling
Protein kinase C η is required for T cell activation and homeostatic proliferation
Fu G, Hu J, Niederberger-Magnenat N, Rybakin V, Casas J, Yachi PP, Feldstein S, Ma B, Hoerter JA, Ampudia J, Rigaud S, Lambolez F, Gavin AL, Sauer K, Cheroutre H, Gascoigne NR
Oct 1, 2011
- Nature Immunology
Mucosal memory CD8(+) T cells are selected in the periphery by an MHC class I molecure
Huang Y, Park Y, Wang-Zhu Y, Larange A, Arens R, Bernardo I, Olivares-Villagomez D, Herndler-Brandstetter D, Abraham N, Grubeck-Loebenstein B, Schoenberger SP, Van Kaer L, Kronenberg M, Teitell MA, Cheroutre H
Aug 1, 2011
- Journal of Experimental Medicine
Constitutive intestinal NF-κB does not trigger destructive inflammation unless accompanied by MAPK activation
Guma M, Stepniak D, Shaked H, Spehlmann ME, Shenouda S, Cheroutre H, Vicente-Suarez I, Eckmann L, Kagnoff MF, Karin M
Jun 1, 2011
- Nature Reviews Immunology
The light and dark sides of intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes
Cheroutre H, Lambolez F, Muchida D
May 1, 2011
- Journal of Immunology
Hepatic stellate cells function as regulatory bystanders
Ichikawa S, Muchida D, Tyznik A, Kronenberg M, Cheroutre H
Nov 1, 2010
- Mucosal Immunol
Murai M, Krause P, Cheroutre H, Kronenberg M
Jul 1, 2010
- Expert Rev Clin Immunol
van Wijk F, Cheroutre H
May 1, 2010
- Nat Immunol
Schoenberger SP, Cheroutre H, Uittenbogaart C, Marshak-Rothstein A
Jan 1, 2010
- Adv Immunol
Mucida D, Cheroutre H