
Sep 01, 2012

CD8 T cells are essential for recovery from a respiratory vaccinia virus infection

Goulding J, Bogye R, Tahiliani V, Croft M, Salek-Ardakani S
May 01, 2012

Following the fate of one insulin-reactive CD4 T cell: conversion into teffs and tregs in the periphery controls deiabetes in NOD mice

Fousteri G, Jasinski J, Dave A, Nakayama M, Pagni P, Lambolez F, Juntti T, Sarikonda G, Cheng Y, Croft M, Cheroutre H, Eisenbarth G, von Herrath M
Mar 01, 2012

TNF superfamily in inflammatory disease: translating basic insights

Croft M, Duan W, Choi H, Eun SY, Madireddi S, Mehta A
Jan 01, 2012

Dispensable role for 4-1BB and 4-1BBL in development of vaccinia virus-specific CD8 T cells

Zhao Y, Croft M
Dec 01, 2011

Antigen-specific prevention of type 1 diabetes in NOD mice is ameliorated by OX40 agonist treatment

Bresson D, Fousteri G, Manenkova Y, Croft M, von Herrath M
Dec 01, 2011

Inductible CD4+LAP+Foxp3- regulatory T cells suppress allergic inflammation

Duan W, So T, Mehta AK, Choi H, Croft M
Oct 01, 2011

Preferential replication of vaccinia virus in the ovaries is independent of immune regulation through IL-10 and TGF-β

Zhao Y, Adams YF, Croft M
Sep 01, 2011

Targeting OX40 promotes lung resident memory CD8 T cell populations that protect against respiratory poxvirus infection

Salek-Ardakani S, Moutaftsi M, Sette A, Croft M
Sep 01, 2011

Nucleotide oligomerization domain-containing proteins instruct T cell helper type 2 immunity through stromal activation

Magalhaes JG, Rubino SJ, Travassos LH, Le Bourhis L, Duan W, Sellge G, Geddes K, Reardon C, Lechmann M, Carneiro LA, Selvanantham T, Fritz JH, Taylor BC, Artis D, Mak TW, Comeau MR, Croft M, Girardin SE, Philpott DJ
Aug 01, 2011

Therapeutic potential of targeting TNF/TNFR family members in asthema

Doherty TA, Croft M