
Feb 01, 2014

Lineage-specific expansions of TET/JBP genes and a new class of DNA transposons shape fungal genomic and epigenetic landscapes

Iyer LM, Zhang D, de Souza RF, Pukkila PJ, Rao A, Aravind L
Jan 01, 2014

Distinct roles of the methylcytosine oxidases Tet1 and Tet2 in mouse embryonic stem cells

Huang Y, Chavez L, Chang X, Wang X, Pastor WA, Kang J, Zepeda-Martinez JA, Pape UJ, Jacobsen SE, Peters B, Rao A
Jan 01, 2014

Large conserved domains of low DNA methylation maintained by Dnmt3a

Jeong M, Sun D, Luo M, Huang Y, Challen GA, Rodriguez B, Zhang X, Chavez L, Wang H, Hannah R, Kim SB, Yang L, Ko M, Chen R, Göttgens B, Lee JS, Gunaratne P. Godley LA, Darlington GJ, Rao A, Li W, Godell MA
Dec 01, 2013

ORAI1 calcium channel orchestrates skin homeostasis

Vandenberghe M, Raphaël M. Lehen’ki V, Gordienko D, Hastie R, Oddos T, Rao A, Hogan PG, Skyrma R, Prevarskaya N
Nov 01, 2013

MicroRNA-directed program of cytotoxic CD8+ T-cell differentiation

Trifari S, Pipkin ME, Bandukwala HS, Äijö T, Bassien J, Chen R, Martinez GJ, Rao A
Sep 01, 2013

T cell-derived IL-17 mediates epithelial changes in the airway and drives pulmonary neutrophilia

Fogli LK, Sundrud MS, Goel S, Bajwa S, Jensen K, Derudder E, Sun A, Coffre M, Uyttenhove C, Van Snick J, Schmidt-Supprian M, Rao A, Grunig G, Durbin J, Casola SS, Rajewsky K, Koralov SB
Aug 01, 2013

Vitamin C induces tet-dependent DNA demethylation and a blastocyst-like state in ES cells

Blaschke K, Ebata KT, Karimi MM, Zepeda-Martinez JA, Goyal P, Mahapatra S, Tam A, Laird DJ, Hirst M, Rao A, Lorincz MC, Ramalho-Santos M
Aug 01, 2013

Global epigenomic reconfiguration during mammalian brain development

Lister R, Mukamel EA, Nery JR, Urich M, Puddifoot CA, Johnson ND, Lucero J, Huang Y, Dwork AJ, Schultz MD, Yu M, Tonti-Filippini J, Heyn H, Hu S, Wu JC, Rao A, Esteller M, He C, Haghighi FG, Sejnowski TJ, Behrens MM, Ecker JR
Aug 01, 2013

Initial activation of STIM1, the regulator of store-operated calcium entry

Zhou Y, Srinivasan P. Razavi S, Seymour S, Meraner P, Gudiur A. Stathopulos PB, Ikura M, Rao A, Hogan PG
Jul 01, 2013

An siRNA screen for NFAT activation identifies septins as coordinators of store-operated Ca2+ entry

Sharma S, Quintana A, Findlay GM, Mettlen M, Baust B, Jain M, Nilsson R, Rao A, Hogan PG
Jun 01, 2013

TETonic shift: biological roles of TET proteins in DNA demethylation and transcription

Pastor WA, Aravind L, Rao A
May 01, 2013

Modulation of TET2 expression and 5-methylcytosine oxidation by the CXXC domain protein IDAX

Ko M, Bandukwala HS, Chavez L, Aijö T, Pastor WA, Segal MF, Li H, Koh KP, Lähdesmäki H, Hogan PG, Aravind L, Rao A