
May 01, 2013

Agonist-selected T cell development requires strong T cell receptor signaling and store-operated calcium entry

Oh-Hora M, Komatsu N, Pishyareh M, Feske S, Hori S, Taniguchi M, Rao A, Takayanagi H
Apr 01, 2013

DNA methylation and methylcytosine oxidation in cell fate decisions

Koh KP, Rao A
Apr 01, 2013

Stage-specific roles for tet1 and tet2 in DNA demethylation in primordial germ cells

Vincent JJ, Huang Y, Chen PY, Feng S, Calvopiña JH, Nee K, Lee SA, Le T, Yoon AJ, Faull K, Fan G, Rao A, Jacobsen SE, Pellegrini M, Clark AT
Apr 01, 2013

High-resolution nucleosome mapping ot targeted regions using BAC-based enrichment

Yigit E, Zhang Q, Xi L, Grilley D, Widom J, Wang JP, Rao A, Pipkin ME
Mar 11, 2013

TET proteins and 5-methylcytosine oxidation in the immune system

Tsagaratou A, Rao A
Bandukwala HS, Rao A
Feb 01, 2013

O-GlcNAcylation and 5-methylcytosine oxidation: an unexpected association between OGT and TETs

Balasubramani A, Rao A
Feb 01, 2013

T cell activation indiuces proteasomal degradation of argonaute and rapid remodeling of the micro RNA repertoire

Bronevetsky Y, Villarino AV, Eisley CJ, Barbeau R, Barczak AJ, Heinz GA, Kremmer E, Heissmeyer V, McManus MT, Erle DJ, Rao A, Ansel KM
Jan 01, 2013

PGC7, H3K9me2 and Tet3: regulators of DNA methylation in zygotes

Kang J, Kalantry S, Rao A
Nov 01, 2012

New functions for DNA modifications by TET-JBP

Huang Y, Rao A
Nov 01, 2012

Immunoloty. Cooperative transcription factor complexes in control

Martinez GJ, Rao A
Oct 01, 2012

Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein L-like (hnRNPLL) and elongation factor, RNA polymerase II, 2 (ELL2) are regulators of mRNA processing in plasma cells

Benson MJ, Aijö T, Chang X, Gagnon J, Pape UJ, Anantharaman V, Aravind L, Pursiheimo JP, Oberdoerffer S, Liu XS, Lahesmaa R, Lähdesmäki H, Rao A