
Rodriguez-Calvo T, Zapardiel-Gonzalo J, Amirian N, Castillo E, Lajevardi Y, Krogvold L, Dahl-Jørgensen K, von Herrath MG
Campbell-Thompson ML, Atkinson MA, Butler AE, Giepmans BN, von Herrath MG, Hyöty H, Kay TW, Morgan NG, Powers AC, Pugliese A, Richardson SJ, In’t Veld PA
Nov 16, 2016

Islet cell hyperexpression of HLA class I antigens: a defining feature in type 1 diabetes

Richardson SJ, Rodriguez-Calvo T, Gerling IC, Mathews CE, Kaddis JS, Russell MA, Zeissler M, Leete P, Krogvold L, Dahl-Jørgensen K, von Herrath M, Pugliese A, Atkinson MA, Morgan NG
Oct 16, 2016

The viral paradigm in type 1 diabetes: who are the main suspects?

Rodriguez-Calvo T, Sabouri S, Anquetil F, von Herrath MG
Aug 26, 2016

CD40L expression by CD4+ but not CD8+ T cells regulates antiviral immune responses in acute LCMV infection in mice

Durlanik S, Loyal L, Stark R, Sercan Alp Ö, Hartung A, Radbruch A, von Herrath M, Matzmohr N, Frentsch M, Thiel A
Aug 15, 2016

A deeper look into type 1 diabetes – imaging immune responses during onset of disease

Christoffersson G, von Herrath MG
May 16, 2016

A preclinical consortium approach for assessing the efficacy of combined anti-CD3 plus IL-1 blockade in reversing new-onset autoimmune diabetes in NOD mice

Gill RG, Pagni PP, Kufper T, Wasserfall CH, Deng S, Posgai A, Manenkova Y, Bel Hani A, Straub L, Bernstein P, Atkinson MA, Herold KC, von Herrath M, Staeva T, Ehlers MR, Nepom GT
Mar 16, 2016

Oral insulin (human, murine, or porcine) does not prevent diabetes in the non-obese diabetic mouse

Pham MN, Gibson C, Rydén AK, Perdue N, Boursalian TE, Pangi PP, Coppieters K, Skonberg C, Porsgaard T, von Herrath M, Vela JL
Jan 27, 2016

Recent advances in understanding type 1 diabetes

Christoffersson G, Rodriguez-Calvo T, von Herrath M
Jan 16, 2016

Factors impeding the discovery of an intervention-based treatment for type 1 diabetes

von Herrath MG, Korsgren O, Atkinson MA
Jan 01, 2016

CD4 T cell differentiation in type 1 diabetes

Walker LS, von Herrath M