Feb 29, 2016
- Nucleic Acids Res
Roy S, Siahpirani AF, Chasman D, Knaak S, Ay F, Stewart R, Wilson M, Sridharan R
Feb 26, 2016
- J Virol
Hastie KM, Zandonatti M, Liu T, Li S, Woods VL Jr, Saphire EO.
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Feb 23, 2016
- J Biol Chem
Girard E, Wang J, Zajonc DM
Feb 19, 2016
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Dietary antigens limit mucosal immunity by inducing regulatory T cells in the small intestine
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Feb 16, 2016
- Nanomedicine
Nanodrugs to target articular cartilage: an emerging platform for osteroarthritis therapy
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Feb 16, 2016
- Pharmacol Res
The control of tissue fibrosis by the inflammatory molecule LIGHT (TNF superfamily member 14)
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Feb 16, 2016
- Expert Rev Vaccines
Deciphering the human antigenome
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Feb 16, 2016
- Arthritis Rheumatol
Receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase α-mediated enhancement of rheumatoid synovial fibroblast signaling and promotion of arthritis in mice
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Feb 15, 2016
- J Immunol
The length distribution of class I-restricted T cell epitopes is determined by both peptide supply and MHC allele-specific binding preference
Trolle T, McMurtrey CP, Sidney J, Bardet W, Osborn SC, Kaever T, Sette A, Hildebrand WH, Nielsen M, Peters B