
Nov 1, 2012

Duality of fibroblast-like synoviocytes in RA: passive responders and imprinted aggressors

Bottini N, Firestein GS
Koellhoffer JF, Chen G, Sandesara RG, Bale S, Saphire EO, Chandran K, Sidhu SS, Lai JR.
Oct 26, 2012

Interleukin-27 receptor limits atherosclerosis in Ldlr-/- mice

Koltsova EK, Kim G, Lloyd KM, Saris CJ, von Vietinghoff S, Kronenberg M, Ley K
Oct 23, 2012

Crystal structures of bovine CD1d reveal altered αGalCer presentation and a restricted A’ pocket unable to bind long-chain glycolipids

Wang J, Guillaume J, Pauwels N, Van Calenbergh S, Van Rhijn I, Zajonc DM
Zhang AP, Abelson DM, Bornholdt ZA, Liu T, Woods VL Jr, Saphire EO.
Bale S, Julien JP, Bornholdt ZA, Kimberlin CR, Halfmann P, Zandonatti MA, Kunert J, Kroon GJ, Kawaoka Y, MacRae IJ, Wilson IA, Saphire EO.
Oct 1, 2012

The immune epitope database: a historical retrospective of the first decade

Salimi N, Fleri W, Peters B, Sette A
Oct 1, 2012

Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein L-like (hnRNPLL) and elongation factor, RNA polymerase II, 2 (ELL2) are regulators of mRNA processing in plasma cells

Benson MJ, Aijö T, Chang X, Gagnon J, Pape UJ, Anantharaman V, Aravind L, Pursiheimo JP, Oberdoerffer S, Liu XS, Lahesmaa R, Lähdesmäki H, Rao A
Oct 1, 2012

The anti-CMS technique for genome-wide mapping of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine

Huang Y, Pastor WA, Zepeda-Martinez JA, Rao A
Oct 1, 2012

The GLIB technique for genome-wide mapping of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine

Pastor WA, Huang Y, Henderson HR, Agarwai S, Rao A
Oct 1, 2012

A blueprint for HIV vaccine discovery

Burton DR, Ahmed R, Barouch DH, Butera ST, Crotty S, Godzik A, Kaufmann DE, McElrath MJ, Nussenzweig MC, Pulendran B, Scanlan CN, Schief WR, Silvestri G, Streeck H, Walker BD, Walker LM, Ward AB, Wilson IA, Wyatt R
Oct 1, 2012

STAT6 regulates natural helper cells proliferation during lung inflammation initiated by alternaria

Doherty TA, Khorram N, Chang JE, Kim HK, Rosenthal P, Croft M, Brolde DH