Koellhoffer JF, Chen G, Sandesara RG, Bale S, Saphire EO, Chandran K, Sidhu SS, Lai JR.
Oct 19, 2012
- Virulence
Zhang AP, Abelson DM, Bornholdt ZA, Liu T, Woods VL Jr, Saphire EO.
Bale S, Julien JP, Bornholdt ZA, Kimberlin CR, Halfmann P, Zandonatti MA, Kunert J, Kroon GJ, Kawaoka Y, MacRae IJ, Wilson IA, Saphire EO.
Oct 1, 2012
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein L-like (hnRNPLL) and elongation factor, RNA polymerase II, 2 (ELL2) are regulators of mRNA processing in plasma cells
Benson MJ, Aijö T, Chang X, Gagnon J, Pape UJ, Anantharaman V, Aravind L, Pursiheimo JP, Oberdoerffer S, Liu XS, Lahesmaa R, Lähdesmäki H, Rao A