
Mar 29, 2012

The role of fibrocytes in sickle cell lung disease

Field JJ, Burdick MD, Debaun MR, Strieter BA, Liu L, Mehrad B, Rose CE Jr, Linden J, Strieter RM
F. Ay, M. Dang and T. Kahveci
Zhang AP, Bornholdt ZA, Liu T, Abelson DM, Lee DE, Li S, Woods VL Jr, Saphire EO.
Mar 1, 2012

Structural and functionlal characterization of a novel nonglycosidic type 1 NKT agonist with immunomodulatory properties

Kerzerho J, Yu ED, Barra CM, Alari-Pahisa E, Girardi E, Harrak Y, Lauzurica P, Llebaria A, Zajonc DM, Akbari O, Castaño AR
Mar 1, 2012

Can an immune-regulatory vaccine prevent HIV infection?

Boettler T, Cunha-Neto E, Kalil J, von Herrath M
Mar 1, 2012

Combination therapy with InsB9-23 peptide immunization and CTLA4-IgG does not reverse diabetes in NOD mice

Schneider DA, Sarikonda G, von Herrath MG
Mar 1, 2012

RNA-binding protein L1TD1 interacts with LIN28 via RNA and is required for human embryonic stem cell self-renewal and cancer cell proliferation

Närvä E, Rahkonen N, Emani MR, Lund R, Pursiheimo JP, Nästi J, Autio R, Rasool O, Denessiouk K, Lähdesmäki H, Rao A, Lahesmaa R
Mar 1, 2012

Human FcyRIIA at center stage

Kawakami T
Mar 1, 2012

TNF superfamily in inflammatory disease: translating basic insights

Croft M, Duan W, Choi H, Eun SY, Madireddi S, Mehta A
Mar 1, 2012

PKCQ: a new target for selective immunosuppression

Altman A, Kong KF