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Feb 1, 2012
- Nature Immunology
Motifs for a deadly encounter
Coppieters KT, von Herrath MG
Feb 1, 2012
- mBio
Role of complement in dengue virus infection: protection or pathogenesis?
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Feb 1, 2012
- Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology
Antigen-specific acquired immunity in human brucellosis: implications for diagnosis, prognosis, and vaccine development
Cannella AP, Tsolis RM, Liang L, Felgner PL, Saito M, Sette A, Gotuzzo E, Vinetz JM
Feb 1, 2012
- Nature Chemical Biology
Halofuginone and othe rfebrifugine derivatives inhibit prolyl-tRNA synthetase
Keller TL, Zocco D, Sundrud MS, Hendrick M, Edenius M, Yum J, Kim YJ, Lee HK, Cortese JF, Wirth DF, Dignam JD, Rao A, Yeo CY, Mazitschek R, Whitman M
Feb 1, 2012
- PLoS Computational Biology
Structural consensus among antibodies defines the antigen binding site
Kunik V, Peters B, Ofran Y
Feb 1, 2012
- Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology
Accelerated atherosclerosis in apoe-/- mice heterozygous for the insulin receptor and the insulin receptor substrate-1
Galkina EV, Butcher M, Keller SR, Goff M, Bruce A, Pei H, Sarembock IJ, Sanders JM, Nagelin MH, Srinivasan S, Kulkarni RN, Hedrick CC, Lattanxio FA, Dobrian AD, Nadler JL, Ley K
Feb 1, 2012
- Circulation Research
NR4A1 (Nur77) deletion polarizes macrophages toward an inflammatory phenotype and increases atherosclerosis
Hanna RN, Shaked I, Hubbeling HG, Punt JA, Wu R, Herrley E, Zaugg C, Pei H, Geissmann F, Ley K, Hedrick CC
Feb 1, 2012
- Nature Structural & Molecular Biology
Balanced interactions of calcineurin with AKAP79 regulate Ca2+-calcineurin-NFAT signaling
Li H, Pink MD, Murphy JG, Stein A, Dell’Acqua ML, Hogan PG
Feb 1, 2012
- Journal of Experimental Medicine
STAT5 is a potent negative regulator of TFH cell differentiation
Johnston RJ, Choi YS, Diamond JA, Yang JA, Crotty S
Jan 1, 2012
- Journal of Clinical Investigation
Histamine-releasing factor has a proinflammatory role in mouse models of asthma and allergy
Kashiwakura JC, Ando T, Matsumoto K, Kimura M, Kitaura J, Matho MH, Zajonc DM, Ozeki T, Ra C, MacDonald SM, Siraganian RP, Broide DH, Kawakami Y, Kawakami T
Jan 1, 2012
- Journal of Biological Chemistry
Structural basis for the recognition of C20:2-αGalCer by the invariant natural killer T cell receptor-like antibody L363
Yu ED, Griardi E, Wang J, Mac TT, Yu KO, Van Calenbergh S, Procelli SA, Zajonc DM