Flow Cytometry

The LJI Flow Cytometry Core Facility is one of the largest flow cytometry cores in the San Diego area. The core facility is a full service flow cytometry laboratory that provides investigators with state-of-the-art equipment along with the necessary expertise and services to support cutting-edge research. The core facility offers a wide range of routine and custom flow cytometry, mass cytometry, cell sorting services, data analysis, strategic planning for novel assays, user training as well as full scale research collaborations. More than fee-for-service providers, flow cytometry core staff members are personally invested in the success of experiments and consider themselves temporary extensions of individual labs. The flow cytometry facility has extensive experience in daily instrument calibration and maintenance, multicolor panel design, immunophenotyping, intracellular and intranuclear staining.

Cheryl Kim

Flow Cytometry Core Director


The BD LSRII is a benchtop analyzer capable of multi-color acquisition through digital electronics for increased sensitivity. The LSRII uses Diva acquisition software and features Auto-Compensation and overall software flexibility. Each LSRII has a slightly different optical configuration equipped with up to 4 lasers, and can detect up to 13 fluorescent detectors and 2 scatter parameters.
LSR Fortessa
The BD LSR Fortessa is located in the RNAi facility. Users with RNAi projects are given priority scheduling for this instrument. The BD LSR Fortessa is a benchtop analyzer capable of multi-color analysis through digital electronics for increased sensitivity. The LSR Fortessa uses Diva acquisition software and features Auto-Compensation and overall software flexibility. This instrument is equipped with 5 lasers, 18 fluorescent detectors and 2 scatter parameters. The LSR Fortessa is also equipped with the HTS (High Throughput Screening) option, allowing for acquisition from a 96-well or 384-well plate.
The BD FACSCanto-II is a benchtop analyzer capable of multi-color analysis through digital electronics for increased sensitivity. The FACSCanto-II is equipped with 3 lasers allowing detection of up to 8 fluorescent markers and 2 scatter parameters. This instrument has a fluidics cart that holds all fluid tanks necessary to operate and maintain the instrument. It also features a SIT flush cycle between tube changing to reduce cross-contamination between samples. The FACSCanto-II is also equipped with the HTS (High Throughput Screening) option, allowing for acquisition from a 96-well or 384-well plate.
Accuri C6
The Accuri C6 is a compact and simple cytometer equipped with 2 lasers, 4 fluorescent detectors, and 2 scatter parameters. This instrument has pre-optimized detector settings so that users do not need to adjust any settings. This instrument is also capable of absolute cell counting.
The BD FACSCalibur is a benchtop analyzer that is equipped with 2 lasers, capable of detecting up to 4 colors. This instrument is an analog analyzer that runs off of CellQuest Pro acquisition software.
FACSAria-1 / FACSAria-2 / FACSAria-3 / FACSAria Fusion
The FACSAria series includes advanced cell sorters designed for BSL-2 and BSL-3 safety. The FACSAria-IIu and FACSAria-3 can sort millions of cells, detecting multiple fluorescent parameters. The FACSAria Fusion, housed in a biosafety cabinet, supports BSL-2 pathogens and features four lasers for enhanced sorting capabilities.
CyTOF Helios Mass Cytometer
The CyTOF Mass Cytometer, acquired in 2014 through an NIH grant, enables single-cell analysis of over 40 parameters using metal isotopes instead of fluorescence. This technology allows high-dimensional cytometry without compensation. It offers services like custom panel design, antibody conjugation, and advanced data analysis, serving external users in San Diego.
FlowJo Analysis Software
FlowJo Analysis Software is used for flow cytometry data analysis. LJI has a site license, which allows each user to download the software onto any LJI computer and to obtain a license key.
Cytobank Enterprise
Cytobank is a cloud-based platform used for high-dimensional flow and mass cytometry data analysis. Visualization tools include: Sunburst, Dose Response, Heat Maps, SPADE, viSNE, and dot and histogram overlays.
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Flow Cytometry Analyzers (per hour)
Cytek Aurora
LSRII, LSRFortessa, LSRFortessa X-20, FACSCelesta (User-Operated)
FACSCanto II (User-Operated)
FACSAria II or FACSMelody (Staff-Operated)
FACSAria II or FACSMelody (User-Operated)
FACSAria Fusion, FACSymphony S6, Cytek Aurora CS in BSC (Staff-Operated)
Sorter Set-up/Clean-up Fee (required for all sorter runs)
Cytek Aurora (session charge per hour) + Technical Assistance (per hour)
FACSCanto II (session charge per hour) + Technical Assistance (per hour)
“LSRII, LSR Fortessa, LSR Fortessa X-20, FACSCelesta (session charge per hour) + Technical Assistance (per hour)”
FACSMelody (session = charge for instrument use per hour)
Technical Assistance (Help sessions, extensive experiment troubleshooting, experiment setup, assistance with data analysis, staining, sample preparation)


For facility information and all training and scheduling requests, please contact the Flow Cytometry Core staff.