The Tullie and Rickey Families SPARK Awards for Innovations in Immunology 2024 Annual Report Introduction
Final Reports from the 2023 SPARK Winners

2024 SPARK Awards Celebration
On June 4, 2024, LJI hosted a “sparkling” outdoor reception celebrating seven years of the Tullie and Rickey Families SPARK Awards for Innovations in Immunology. Held on LJI’s back patio, the event honored the 2024 SPARK award winners and recognized the generous SPARK donors who make this program possible. This year’s event paid special tribute to Joani Nelson, whose philanthropic generosity through her estate provided program underwriting. Guests heard from 2023 SPARK Award winner Felix Nettersheim, M.D., about his cardiovascular health research, followed by reflections from LJI Board Director Barbara Donnell, MA, on Joani Nelson’s longstanding support and connection to the SPARK Awards program. The event concluded with LJI Board Director Tom Tullie, MBA, sharing his vision for the program’s future.

2024 SPARK Winner Progress Updates

Thank you, reviewers
We are extremely grateful for the time and support of the application and pitch reviewers for the 2024 Tulie and Rickey Families SPARK Awards for Innovations in Immunology:
Ferhat Ay, Ph.D.
Michael Croft, Ph.D.
Kelsey Dale, CFRE, CSPG
Ted Dohmen
Barbara Donnell, MA
Brandon Fabritzky, MBA, CRA
Gina Kirchweger, Ph.D.
Robert Mahley, M.D., Ph.D.
Joani Nelson
Margaret Ng Thow Hing, J.D.
Sheila Noeth
David M. Rickey
Peter St. Clair
Raydene St. Clair
Tom Tullie, MBA
David Webb, Ph.D.
In addition to offering seed funding for innovative ideas, the Tullie and Rickey Families SPARK Awards program focuses on training and supporting the most promising early-career scientists. Throughout 2024, we have highlighted the successes of our “SPARK Stars,” previous SPARK Award recipients who have achieved remarkable milestones. Their achievements demonstrate how philanthropic investment in the SPARK program drives discovery and fosters the next generation of researchers. If you missed any updates, here are a few highlights:
Post-award scientific breakthroughs
Annie Elong Ngono, Ph.D.
2021 SPARK Award Winner
Annie Elong Ngono, Ph.D., discovered that common cold coronaviruses can train T cells to fight SARS-CoV-2. Her study, published in Nature Communications, found that mice previously exposed to a common cold coronavirus had partial protection against COVID-19. Dr. Elong Ngono is now advancing new vaccines that harness these T cells to provide broader immunity against COVID-19 and other coronaviruses.
Dawid Zyla, Ph.D.
2023 SPARK Award Winner
Dawid Zyla, Ph.D., has significantly advanced the study of the measles virus at LJI. Using cryo-electron microscopy, he captured detailed images of an antibody, mAb 77, binding to the measles fusion protein. These stunning images show how mAb 77 prevents the virus from entering human cells. Dr. Zyla’s work, in collaboration with Columbia University, revealed how mAb 77 locks the measles fusion protein in place and stops infection. Dr. Zyla’s research combined expertise in structural biology, cell biology, and virology, and paves the way for new strategies to combat measles and related viruses.
Securing prestigious follow-on funding
Thomas Riffelmacher, Ph.D.
2021 SPARK Award Winner
Annie Elong Ngono, Ph.D., discovered that common cold coronaviruses can train T cells to fight SARS-CoV-2. Her study, published in Nature Communications, found that mice previously exposed to a common cold coronavirus had partial protection against COVID-19. Dr. Elong Ngono is now advancing new vaccines that harness these T cells to provide broader immunity against COVID-19 and other coronaviruses.
Erik Ehinger
2023 SPARK Award Winner
Dawid Zyla, Ph.D., has significantly advanced the study of the measles virus at LJI. Using cryo-electron microscopy, he captured detailed images of an antibody, mAb 77, binding to the measles fusion protein. These stunning images show how mAb 77 prevents the virus from entering human cells. Dr. Zyla’s work, in collaboration with Columbia University, revealed how mAb 77 locks the measles fusion protein in place and stops infection. Dr. Zyla’s research combined expertise in structural biology, cell biology, and virology, and paves the way for new strategies to combat measles and related viruses.
Maria Inês Matias, Ph.D.
2022 SPARK Award Winner
Maria Inês Matias, Ph.D., was awarded a Curebound Discovery Grant of $250,000 in January 2024. Her project, titled, “Hijacking CD4+ Treg Cells into Cytotoxic T Cells: A New Strategy for Cancer Immunotherapy,” aims to identify new therapeutic targets to enhance anti-tumor immunotherapies, which could open new avenues in cancer treatment.
Advancing through professional growth
Isaac López-Moyado, Ph.D.
2024 SPARK Award Winner
Isaac López-Moyado, Ph.D., is among eight postdoctoral awardees from across the United States selected for the 2024 Fred Hutch Cancer Center Dr. Eddie Méndez Scholar Award. This honor recognizes Dr. López-Moyado as an exceptional early-career scientist from an underrepresented background who is conducting impactful cancer research. Dr. López-Moyado presented his research at the Méndez Symposium at Fred Hutch in Seattle in July 2024.
Jingru Fang, Ph.D.
2024 SPARK Award Winner
In July 2024, Jingru Fang, Ph.D., began her role as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Princeton University in New Jersey.
Rosa Isela Gálvez, Ph.D.
2023 SPARK Award Winner
In November 2023, Rosa Isela Gálvez, Ph.D., took a position as a Staff Scientist at the Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine in Hamburg, Germany.
Achieving new faculty roles
Daniela Weiskopf, Ph.D.
2018 SPARK Award Winner
In recognition of her outstanding research achievements, La Jolla Institute for Immunology (LJI) promoted Research Assistant Professor Daniela Weiskopf, Ph.D., to a tenure-track Assistant Professor position. Dr. Weiskopf’s laboratory focuses on protective and maladapted immune responses to emerging infectious diseases. She has joined the LJI Center for Vaccine Innovation and the LJI Center for Sex-based Differences in the Immune System.
Estefania Quesada Masachs, M.D., Ph.D.
2020 and 2022 SPARK Award Winner
Estefania Quesada Masachs, M.D., Ph.D., accepted a faculty position as an Assistant Professor at the Diabetes Research Institute (DRI) at the University of Miami starting in February 2024. The DRI is renowned for its focus on diabetes research, particularly type 1 diabetes.
Melissa Meyer, Ph.D.
2022 SPARK Award Winner
In 2024, Melissa Meyer, Ph.D., accepted an Assistant Professor position in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Des Moines University in Iowa.
Donor Honor Roll
Philanthropy fuels the next generation of research
Thank you to all of the generous donors to the Tullie and Rickey Families SPARK Awards for Innovations in Immunology. The donor list below represents all donors to the Tullie and Rickey Families SPARK Awards for Innovations in Immunology since the beginning of the program in Fall 2017 through June 2024. Any donor listed in orange denotes they’ve given enough cumulatively to fund at least one whole SPARK Award.
The Thomas C. Ackerman Foundation
Acre Investment Real Estate Services
Amnon and Claire Altman
David Anderson
Applied Materials
Jessica and Adrian Ayala
Nicholas Backer
Claudia Baird
Edward and Susan Ball Family Foundation at Fidelity Charitable
The Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Daniel Barajas
Rita Baudewijn-Vanryckeghem
Janet Stull Baumgartner
Becton, Dickinson and Company
The Shirley and Harry Beer Charitable Foundation
Philip and Jane Bellomy
John and Mary Benbow
Lynn Berman
Richard S. and Karna S. Bodman / Richard S. and Karna S. Bodman Donor Advised Fund at Fidelity Charitable
The Mark and Katie Bowles Family Foundation
Catherine and Charles Boyer
David Brenner and Tatiana Kisseleva
Peegan Brosnan
Thomas Butch
Robert Butterfield
C.R. Bard Foundation
Douglas and Lenore Cameron
Cappetta Family Foundation
Megan Carolan
Anthony R. Carr
Charities Aid Foundation America
The Center for Wealth and Legacy
Check Family Foundation at Fidelity Charitable
Maurits Cheroutre* and Marie-Louise Cheroutre-Vanryckeghem*
David* and Robyn Cohen
Colchamiro Charitable Fund at Fidelity Charitable
Robert* and Lynne Copeland
Kenneth and Adriane Coveney
Ken and Kathleen Croff
Cushman Foundation
Kelsey and Patrick Dale
Suryasarathi Dasgupta
Frank and Elizabeth Deni
Peggy Dinan
Barbara Donnell
Andrew Dremak
Ecke-Meyer Family Foundation
James and Jewel Edson
Marc and Michelle Effron
Robert Eggold and Mary Mills
Matt Ellenbogen
Robert L. and Dominga Enich
Derry and Lois Eynon
Sally Fallon
Thomas and Karen Ferguson
François Ferré and Magda Marquet
L. Michael and Pamela Foley
Craig and Meredith Garner
Amy Geogan
Richard Gibson
Ayumi Gillespie
Mary Anne and Dave Gladyszewski
Gleiberman Family Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation
Daniel P. and Patricia C. Gold
Jessica Gonzalez
Caitlin Gould
Stuart Gross
Clare and James Grotting
Dave and Carol Hall
Erin Hall
Wilson and Jenna Hambrick
Mary Harker
J. and Marla J. Harrigan
Reese Harris
Barbara and James Hartung
Lewis C. Haskell
Katya and James Hazel
Holly Heaton
Rebecca Helbig
David and Nancy Herrington
Christopher Himes
Breda Hing
Peter and Dawn Holman
Emily Holmes and Bruce Torbett
Gary and Jeri Horton
Ali Houry
James B. Isaacs, Jr.
Niles Johanson
Franklin and Catherine Johnson
Terry and Linda Kaltenbach
Andrew Kaplan
Carol and Mike Kearney
Gina Kirchweger and Jan Karlseder
Chad Koelling
Kok-Fai Kong
Rosemary Kraemer Raitt Foundation Trust
John and Cim Kraemer
Gale Krause
Mitchell Kronenberg and Hilde Cheroutre
Kevin and Julie Krumdieck
Ralph T. and June K. Kubo
John J. Lamberti
Cecelia Lance
The Samuel Lawrence Foundation
Gene Lay
Christopher A. and Stephanie Elizabeth Lee
Gary & Lisa Levine Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation
Richard S. and Patricia Levy
Gene Lin
Shao-Chi and Lily Lin
Craig Linden
Aaron and Andrea Ling
Jaime z”l and Sylvia Liwerant Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation
Shannon London
Michelle Lord
Chelsea and Erik Luedeke
Annette Luetzow
Gary and Diana Macek
Morag and Kenneth Mackay
Robert and Linda Mahley
Marilynn Mansfield
Maravai LifeSciences
Richard* and Carol Markus
Ashley Marquez
Martha P. Mack Foundation
Joel Martin and Pam Reynolds
Stan McCauley
Rodney McClendon
Dympna McFadden
Christa McReynolds
Than and Cindy Merrill
Joseph Meyer
MightyCause Foundation
Zbigniew and Magdalena Mikulski
Miller-Bowes Giving Fund
The Miller Family Fund
Ernest C. Miller* and Tung-Fen Lin Miller
Jeffrey E. Miller
Howard* and Elaine Mitchell
Judith L. Bradley and David L. Mitchell
Cherry Miyake
Kevin and Pingya Moore
Caroline and Marina Morales
Daniel Morgan
Lorraine Moriarty
Eleanor Mosca
Shin Mukai
Lauren Murphy
Gail K. Naughton
Carolyn and Jeffrey Nelson
Joani Nelson*
Margaret Ng Thow Hing
Larraine Nobes
Kenneth and Linda Olson
Robert D.* and Mary-Lou M. Orphey
Maria Ortega
Donald Osborne
Renee and Sidney* Parker
Vann and Carol Parker
PartnersFinancial Charitable Foundation
William Passey and Maria Silva
Ramamohan Paturi
Bonnie and Bill Payne
Rachel and Robert Perlmutter
Hunt and Laura Pettit
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, LLP
Gary and Penny Powell
Precision For Medicine
Patrice Purtzer
Charles Puskas
Amogh Rajanna
Erin Randolph
Ray and Jenifer Raub
The Brenda and Dave Rickey Foundation Charitable Trust
Ira and Kathleen Robb
Paulette Roberts
Dan and Laura Roos
Rotary Club of Del Mar
San Diego Advisor of the Year / Paul and Lori Thiel
Denny Sanford
Sharon Schendel
Herbert Schnall
Justin and Connie Seng
Sandor and Rebecca Shapery
Thomas and Suzanna Sharkey
Jack Shevel
Larry Spitcaufsky / Spitcaufsky Memorial Fund
Peter and Raydene St. Clair
Todd Steele
Gail Stevens
John and Diana Stillwagen
Ashley Stratton
Carole Streeter
Ken and Sharon Strong
Studio L
Joseph and Joan Tarnowski
Lolly Tharp
Eileen and Robert Timken
William and Karen Tincup
John Trifiletti
Tom and Judy Tullie / Tullie Family Foundation
Aaron Tyznik
Cathy Vanous
Claire Van Ryswyk
Nancy L. Vaughan
Mark Veta
Matthias and Natalie von Herrath
Ursula Wagstaff-Kuster
Mark B. Wallner Foundation
J. Mark and Paula Waxman / Waxman Charitable Giving Account at Fidelity Charitable
David and Lila Webb
Larry and Mary Lynn Weitzen
Carolyn Wheeler
Joanna Wilkinson
Loie Williams
Herman Winick
Richard T.* and Lucy F. Wold
Beverly Wolgast
Andrew Yuen and Elisabeth Wolcott-Yuen
The donor list above represents all donors to The Tullie and Rickey Families SPARK Awards for Innovations in Immunology as of June 30, 2024.
*In Memoriam