Myers Lab

Sam Myers, Ph.D.

Global Autoimmune Institute Assistant Professor

Laboratory for Immunochemical Circuits
Center for Autoimmunity and Inflammation
Center for Sex-based Differences in the Immune System

If we want to control how immune cells behave, we first need to understand how they think and make decisions. Mass spectrometry and proteomics will allow us to map out how different cells process information using thousands of biochemical reactions and biomolecular interactions.

Cells must integrate multiple, simultaneous, often contradictory cues about their environment before “deciding” how to respond. Immune cells, for example, balance protective inflammatory responses to clear tissues of pathogens or cancerous cells, while tolerating commensal microbes and self-antigens to avoid autoinflammatory disorders. These signals propagate through extensive biochemical networks within cells, where small molecules are rapidly added and removed from proteins. These protein post-translational modifications (PTMs) control nearly every cellular process from gene expression and differentiation to inducing local cell death or orchestrating systemic immune responses. Only a handful of landmark PTMs are used to study these cellular behaviors, leaving hundreds to thousands of dynamic signaling events overlooked and unnoticed. This oversight impedes our understanding of how immune cells process information, diminishing our capacity to control specific cell fate decisions.

My laboratory develops and applies interdisciplinary approaches to study global signaling dynamics, and how PTMs of different chemistries interact with and influence one another. While our focus is on protein mass spectrometry and quantitative proteomics, we integrate genomics, chemical biology, and genetic engineering to delineate how various signaling pathways integrate into the gene expression machinery to drive immune cell activation and differentiation. Understanding these complex yet fundamental aspects of signaling-to-transcription networks in immune cells is crucial for our ability to prevent and treat not only autoimmune disorders, but cardiovascular disease, neurodegeneration, and cancer.

Featured Publications

Ludwig L, Lareau CA, Bao EL, Liu N, Utsugisawa T, Tseng AM, Myers SA, Verboon JM, Ulirsch JC, Luo W, Muus C, Fiorini C, Olive ME, Vockley CM, Munschauer M, Hunter A, Ogura H, Yamamoto T, Inada H, Nakagawa S, Ozono S, Subramanian V, Chiarle R, Glader B, Carr SA, Aryee MJ, Kundaje A, Orkin S, Regev A, McCavit T, Kanno H, Sankaran VG.
Ghosh S, Raundhal M, Myers SA, Carr SA, Chen X, Petsko GA, Glimcher LH.
Burt RA, Dejanovic B, Peckham HJ, Lee KA, Li X, Ounadjela JR, Rao A, Malaker SA, Carr SA, Myers SA.
Myers SA, Rhoads A, Cocco AR, Peckner R, Haber AL, Schweitzer LD, Krug K, Mani DR, Clauser KR, Rozenblatt-Rosen O, Hacohen N, Regev A, Carr SA.
Myers SA, Wright J, Peckner R, Kalish BT, Zhang F, Carr SA.

Lab Members

Aiden Asari

Student Trainee

Melina Brunelli

UCSD Graduate Student

Maria Ferreira Matias, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow

Sabrina Figueroa Buezo, Masters

Research Tech II

Jack Haggett, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow

Kyle Magro

Rotating Graduate Student

Cindy Manriquez Rodriguez, Masters

UCSD Graduate Student

Dominic McGrosso, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow
Portrait photo of Sam Myers, Ph.D.

Samuel Myers, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Leonardo Sanchez Solis

Research Tech II

Manuel Vasquez Castro

UCSD Graduate Student

Boqi Wang

Rotating Graduate Student

Research Projects

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From the Lab

See how investment in science is reshaping the landscape of autoimmune disease research
LJI scientists share a new, rapid method for studying phosphorylation and other post-translational modifications
New findings open door to better understanding cancers and many other diseases
Myers Lab to expand autoimmune disease research, cancer and more

Awards & Honors

2019 Molecular and Cellular Proteomics Early Career Award
2010 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship

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