Vijayanand Lab

Pandurangan Vijayanand, M.D., Ph.D.

William K. Bowes Distinguished Professor

Center for Autoimmunity and Inflammation
Center for Cancer Immunotherapy
Center for Sex-based Differences in the Immune System

Continually evolving genomic tools and single cell analysis technologies are revolutionizing our understanding of the human immune system in health and disease.

Dr. Vijayanand’s lab employs genomics tools to understand, diagnose and treat pulmonary disease such as asthma, lung cancer and infectious diseases, including the novel coronavirus.

His laboratory has developed a number of techniques to study the molecular profiles of circulating and airway immune cells from patients with asthma and other diseases, using fewer cells than previously possible.

Dr. Vijayanand oversees a large-scale effort to map epigenomic modifications in more than a dozen different types of human immune cells from normal individuals to understand how epigenetic variations cause susceptibility to disease. For many human diseases, large-scale genomic studies have identified common genetic variants that occur more frequently in people with cardiovascular, autoimmune, inflammatory and infectious diseases, diabetes and asthma than in those without these diseases. However, it has been difficult to pinpoint which genetic changes are truly relevant to disease, or in what specific cell types the genetic variation has the largest effect on one’s health. Mapping the epigenome will enable scientists to zoom in on those genes with the greatest likelihood to contribute to disease, and the cell types in which they act, and therefore will help identify novel therapeutic targets.

Pandurangan Vijayanand’s PubMed Bibliography

Featured Publications

Herrera-De La Mata S, Ramírez-Suástegui C, Mistry H, Castañeda-Castro FE, Kyyaly MA, Simon H, Liang S, Lau L, Barber C, Mondal M, Zhang H, Arshad SH, Kurukulaaratchy RJ, Vijayanand P, Seumois G.
Rupani H, Kyyaly MA, Azim A, Abadalkareen R, Freeman A, Dennison P, Howarth P, Djukanovic R, Vijayanand P, Seumois G, Arshad SH, Haitchi HM, Kurukulaaratchy RJ.
Riffelmacher T, Paynich Murray M, Wientjens C, Chandra S, Cedillo-Castelan V, Chou TF, McArdle S, Dillingham C, Devereaux J, Nilsen A, Brunel S, Lewinsohn DM, Hasty J, Seumois G, Benedict CA, Vijayanand P, Kronenberg M
Eschweiler S, Wang A, Ramírez-Suástegui C, von Witzleben A, Li Y, Chee SJ, Simon H, Mondal M, Ellis M, Thomas GJ, Chandra V, Ottensmeier CH, Vijayanand P.
Schmiedel BJ, Rocha J, Gonzalez-Colin C, Bhattacharyya S, Madrigal A, Ottensmeier CH, Ay F, Chandra V, Vijayanand P.
Eschweiler S, Clarke J, Ramírez-Suástegui C, Panwar B, Madrigal A, Chee SJ, Karydis I, Woo E, Alzetani A, Elsheikh S, Hanley CJ, Thomas GJ, Friedmann PS, Sanchez-Elsner T, Ay F, Ottensmeier CH, Vijayanand P.

Lab Members

Cecilia Calatroni

Student Trainee

Francisco Castaneda

Associate Bioinformatics Specialist I

Hsiao-Chiao Chien, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow

Kyu Hye Chun, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow

Jalaysah De Los Santos

Student Trainee

Aquib Ehtram, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow

Vicente Fajardo Rosas

UCSD Graduate Student

Han Feng, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow

Celia Ferrandez Alaminos

Research Tech I

Sophia Gogek

Research Tech I

Cristian Gonzalez Colin

UCSD Graduate Student

Sara Herrera De La Mata

UCSD Graduate Student

Nicholas Hogan, M.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow

Eleanor Lee, M.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow

Jeongeun Lee, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow

Yu Rim Lee

Rotating Graduate Student

Fangda Li, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow

Kosuke Matsumura, Ph.D.

Visiting Scientist

Monalisa Mondal, Masters

Research Tech II

Johannes Ottensmeier, Masters

Research Tech II

Jun Won Park, M.D.

Visiting Scientist

Indumathi Patta, Ph.D.


Ignacio Ramirez Bernabe

Research Tech I

Zubin Roy, Masters

Research Tech I

Lee Serpas, M.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow

Gregory Seumois

Staff Scientist

Jae Woo Shin, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow

Donaldo Sosa Garcia

Research Tech I

Veronica Tapia Guillen

Project Coordinator
Portrait photo of Pandurangan Vijayanand, M.D., Ph.D.

Pandurangan Vijayanand


Research Projects

  While an enormous number of genetic variants have been associated with risk for human disease, how these variants affect gene expression in various cell types remains largely unknown. To [...]

  Selected References Grégory Seumois, Ciro Ramírez-Suástegui, Benjamin J. Schmiedel, Shu Liang, Bjoern Peters, Alessandro Sette, Vijayanand P (2020). Single-cell transcriptomic analysis of allergen-specific T cells in allergy and asthma. [...]

  Selected References Kusnadi A, Ramírez-Suástegui C, Fajardo V, Chee SJ, Meckiff BJ, Simon H, Pelosi E, Seumois G, Ay F, Vijayanand P, Ottensmeier CH. Severely ill COVID-19 patients display [...]

From the Lab

Curebound grants may lead to new approaches to fight breast cancer, lung tumors and more
LJI scientists zero in on T cells that may drive autoimmune disease in human patients
New research suggests a small group of pediatric brain tumor patients may benefit from immunotherapy
Researchers uncover a new strategy to avoid cancer immunotherapy side effects
New analysis shows men and women really do have immune cell differences
New LJI research shows how a range of critical immune cells respond to SARS-CoV-2

Awards & Honors

2010 Walter Travel Award for presenting at a Keystone Symposium
2008 Peel Medical Trust Travel Fellowship Award, United Kingdom
2007 GSK National Clinician Scientist Fellowship Award, United Kingdom – 5 year period
2007 Wessex Medical Research Prize – Best published work in Bio-Medical Science, University of Southampton.
2007 Scientific Lung Day Graz Prize – Best Translational Lung Research in Europe, Graz University, Austria, Europe.
2006 Annual Post Graduate Conference Prize – Best oral presentation, University of Southampton.
1997 Dr.A.L.Mudaliar Merit Scholarship for higher education training
1995 Gold Medal Honours in Diabetes and Endocrinology
1995 Second Certificate of Honour in Medicine
1995 First Certificate of Honour in Paediatrics
1994 Gold Medal and Certificate of Honour in Ophthalmology
1994 First Certificate of Honour in Pathology
1994 Gold Medal and Certificate of Honour in Immunology & Microbiology
1993 Gold Medal and Certificate of Honour in Pharmacology
1992 First Certificate of Honour in Physiology
1992 Gold Medal and Certificate of Honour in Anatomy and Histology
1991 Arignar Anna Scholarship Award for excellence in higher secondary examination.

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